Why My Baby is Not Eating Food? There are several reasons why a baby might refuse to eat food. Here are some common ones:
Developmental & Behavioral Reasons
- Teething: Sore gums can make eating uncomfortable.
- Distracted: Babies can be easily distracted by their surroundings.
- Independence: Some babies prefer feeding themselves rather than being spoon-fed.
- Food Aversion: They may dislike certain foods’ texture, taste, or smell.
- Not Hungry: Babies have small stomachs and may not always be hungry when offered food.
Health-Related Reasons
- Illness or Infection: Cold, flu, ear infection, or stomach bug can reduce appetite.
- Constipation: A bloated stomach can make eating uncomfortable.
- Sore Throat: A common cold or throat infection can make swallowing painful.
- Allergies or Food Intolerances: Some foods may cause discomfort.
- Acid Reflux: Some babies experience discomfort after eating due to reflux.
Feeding Habits & Routine Issues
- Too Much Milk: Drinking too much breast milk or formula can reduce appetite for solids.
- Irregular Meal Schedule: Inconsistent meal times can impact hunger cues.
- Boring or Repetitive Meals: Babies may get bored with the same food.
- Force-Feeding: Pressuring a baby to eat can make them resist food.
If your baby is not eating, here are some things you can do based on possible reasons:
What You Can Do:
1. Check for Hunger Cues & Timing
✔ Offer food when they are hungry but not too tired (e.g., after a nap, not right before).
✔ Keep gaps of 2-3 hours between meals and snacks to build appetite.
2. Make Mealtime Enjoyable
✔ Remove distractions (no TV, mobile, or loud noises).
✔ Eat together as babies often mimic parents.
✔ Use colorful plates, and fun shapes, or let them pick their food.
3. Experiment with Food & Texture
✔ Try different textures (purees, mashed, soft solids).
✔ Offer finger foods to encourage self-feeding.
✔ Vary the flavors (mild spices, herbs, natural sweetness).
✔ Introduce one new food at a time but don’t force it.
4. Ensure Comfortable Feeding
✔ Check for teething – offer chilled fruits or teething toys.
✔ Rule out illness – fever, sore throat, or tummy issues can reduce appetite.
✔ Avoid force-feeding – let the baby decide how much to eat.
5. Balance Milk & Solid Foods
- If still on breastmilk/formula, reduce feeds slightly to encourage solid intake.
- Ensure they are getting enough water to aid digestion.
6. Be Patient & Try Again
- Babies may need 10-15 tries before accepting a new food.
- If they refuse, wait and offer later instead of forcing.
- Praise them for trying, even if they eat only a little.
Some Quick Tips
Try different textures and flavors.
Offer small portions and let them explore.
Avoid distractions like TV during meals.
Make mealtimes fun and stress-free.
Check for teething or illness signs.
When to See a Doctor?
Weight loss or poor growth
Persistent vomiting or diarrhea
Severe food refusal lasting many days
Extreme irritability or signs of dehydration