Week 1 Baby Development
- Baby is 0 ounces, 0 inches because your body is preparing for ovulation (releasing an egg from one of your ovaries).
- You don’t consider being pregnant till week 2. Your body is in the process of confirming the good news.
- After ovulation, 5 to 6 days later, the fertilized egg burrows into the womb’s lining, and it is called implantation. Congratulation, now you’re Pregnant.
How to Take a Home Pregnancy Tests
Home pregnancy tests work by detecting HCG levels during the very early days of pregnancy. A hormone is released by the placenta right after the embryo begins implanting into the uterine lining. The hormone is released in a pregnant woman’s urine.
NOTE: To get an accurate result, it depends on which company or brand pregnancy kit you’re using. A positive result will often look like a line, a dot, or a plus sign.
Read Our Article on How to Take a Home Pregnancy Tests
The First-Trimester Symptoms
In the First Week of Pregnancy, you will not have any particular pregnancy symptoms. The First Sign of your confirmed Pregnancy is MISSED PERIODS.
Once you reach weeks 3 to 4, the below symptoms will start.
- nausea,
- fatigue,
- breast tenderness
- frequent urination,
- may feel very tired and emotional
What Not to Eat – First Trimester
- Don’t Eat heavy protein food.
- Stop Smoking and Drinking Right Way.
- Undercooked meat, poultry, and seafood food
- Too much spicy food
- High Mercury Fish, Raw Fish like shellfish such as oysters and clams
- Unpasteurized milk products and foods made from them like soft and semi-soft cheeses
- Pregnant women should avoid having under-cooked or Raw eggs
- Avoid the drumstick tree, as it contains alpha-sitosterol, with an estrogen-like structure that can lead to miscarriage.
What to Eat – First Trimester
- Must have Fruits and Vegetables
- Drink One Glass of Milk Every Day
- Meat and its Alternatives – Avoid any kind of high mercury fish like swordfish, shark, king mackerel, and tilefish, they can harm you and your baby inside you.
- Include Grain Products as Part of your Daily Diet
First Trimester Screening
- Down Syndrome (trisomy 21)
- PAPP-A: It is used in screening tests for Down syndrome.
- Nuchal Translucency Scan (NT):
- NT is a sonographic prenatal screening scan to detect cardiovascular abnormalities in a fetus. It is also used in screening tests for Down syndrome.
- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
The First Trimester Screening must be done when you’re between 11 and 14 Weeks Pregnant