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Meaning of Your Baby Babble & Sounds

Baby Babble

We all love Baby Babble and Every parent eagerly waits for hearing sweet as sugar words from their babies mouth “MOM” “MAMA” DADDY” DADA”  which normally happens when our babies are 24 months old.

Babies start to communicate with their parents from birth from the time when they are just a few days old, its job of their parents to understand and respond properly.

Small babies don’t understand that they are too small and their language may sound alien to everyone. For them, they are speaking in the language which they know the best and if we are not speaking back then that is our problem.

Active communication makes babies more confident and intelligent as they get the feeling that their parents know what they want and they are able to send their message to them.


Let us understand how and why Baby Babble is so important to understand.

1 # Baby Brain Development

Proper and effective communication with babies will help in their brain development. They will be prompted to speak more and more as they are getting a favorable response from their parents.

As we all know most the brain development happens in the early years and normally babies start to speak at about 2-2.5 years, which comes out to be 50% of their active brain development period. We need to utilize this time and make 100% attempt to keep communicating with our babies.

Proper 2-way communication makes them attentive, intelligent and smart.

2 # Bonding with Parents and Siblings

Parents who communicate more frequently and regularly with their babies, they are able to quickly build a bond with them. Babies also understand who is responding to their needs and requests so they also want to and try to communicate with them more often.

Older siblings must and should also start communicating with their young sister and brothers to build repo with them in the early years. As even young babies understand and recognize their brother and sisters by their vibes and behavior. Babies normally behave differently with young kids as compared to older people as they also know and understand the age in their own unknown way.

3 # Quick understanding of the Baby problem

By understanding baby babble parents are able to diagnose the baby problem very quickly and take prompt action. They can understand what sound she will make when she is hungry to sound she makes when she wants to play.

It makes life easy for new parents once they start understanding baby babbles.

4 # Baby Education

We can start education about many things by communicating with our babies like where they should be more careful, which thing is too hot/cold, how to eat, how to use remote etc.

We can easily teach them different thing even before they start to speak by developing confidence in them.

5 #Baby Safety

Active communication even with babble can make our kids more safe and secure and they may try to tell us that what is bothering them, what they like and what they don’t so that we can take action accordingly.

What kind of activity they like which person they didn’t like or if something is wrong in their stomach, teeth or eyes can easily be understood by understanding baby babble.

the most important part is that understanding baby babble is not an easy task we have to make a lot of efforts and need a lot of time and patience to master the same.

But one thing we don’t understand is that even small baby improvises to make us understand they babble by modulating tone, giving facial impressions and emoting differently to make sure that we understand what they mean.

Babies communicate not only by their babble but also by touch, gestures, moods, eyes, and movements but for us for the easiest way to speak with their parents is through words as they are watching us communicated mostly with words only.

So to make our babies master of communication we must mast it by our self and be more patient and understanding not even with them but with everyone around them

I can tell by experience that there is no better feeling in this world than to understand what my baby wants to say without her speaking a word. Spark in her eye and smile on her face is the best reward you get for this understanding.


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