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How to Measure Correct Length and Size of the Newborn Babies


Full-term Newborn Baby Average Length at the Birth Time is between 19–20 inches (in), or 49–50 centimeters (cm). It’s a perfect length of the Babies who has parents. However, Babies who are around 18.5–20.9 in, or 47–53 cm, are also considered normal. There is no need to panic about your Infant (newborn), as there are many factors that determine your Baby Length. It can be a Genetic factor or as it has been said many times, that taller parents will have tall babies and short height parents will have short babies. 

 To keep a track of your baby height and weight growth, click here to find out how tall he or she would be as per their current age.


Important Facts 

 > At the time of birth, your doctor will measure your baby’s length from the top of their head to the heel of their foot.

 > Baby Boys are slightly longer than a Newborn Baby Girl. 

 > It doesn’t matter, what was the size of the Baby at the time of birth, as they will grow or pick up the growth rate just like other babies.

> A Baby who is Born with poor length and weight at the birth time may have to go through some health complications later in life. Therefore, parents need to give extra attention and care towards their babies ‘ health. Try to feed the best Nutrition, healthy food in your child’s diet.


Reasons Behind the Small Length/Size Baby 

> The Genetic Factor Plays a very important role in Deciding the Child’s Height

 > Poor Health of the Mother during the Pregnancy Period can also be a reason behind your Average Length and Weight Baby.

 > Hormonal Imbalance and Diabetic Baby.

> If Maybe due to Ill Health, the Mother has taken some medications or steroids, then it will affect the Infant’s Length and Weight at Birth Time.


The Average Length of the Baby's in the First Year

                                                                          Source: WHO Organization 


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