Have you ever thought that your Kids Life can be in danger because of Household Poisons? A parent always remembers to keep their house neat and clean to maintain the hygienic for kids, also removes unwanted furniture and objects from the house. But unfortunate forget to remove or hides the most dangerous thing i.e Household Poisons.
When you have crawling or walking babies, toddler and kids under the age of 5 years old at home. It’s very natural for parents to get worried about their safety at home. It’s not possible for you not buy any of below Household Poisons; there are few items that you need on a daily basis like Toilet Cleaner, Nail Polish Remover, etc.
In case your child has swallowed the Household Poisons accidentally, then see below the treatment for swallowed poisons at home.
Check for the Signs & Symptoms
>> Dizziness
>> Breathing Problem
>> Nausea & Vomiting
>> Pain in the abdomen
The important thing to remember
>> Do not try to induce vomiting.
>> Some poisons can cause anaphylactic shock, life-threatening allergic reaction, need to be treated immediately.
What to DO in this case…
> Ask the kid, what poison item he or she has swallowed. Check the dangerous sign at the back of the bottle or container he has swallowed.
> Call the doctor for help to taking him to a nearby hospital. And tell him what household poisons kid has swallowed.
> In a meanwhile keep monitoring his breathing condition in every 10 minutes.
> In case he loses consciousness then prepared to begin resuscitation. You need to open the airway and, if necessary, clear the victim’s airway so that air can enter the lungs.
If the kid is not breathing, give rescue breaths to maintain the oxygen supply, thereby sustaining the victim’s vital organs.
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Below are a Few Dangerous Household Poisons:-
1 # Dettol Liquid (First Aid Kid) :
Do you know that Dettol Liquid which every family must be having in their First Aid Kit is dangerous when it’s ingested or swollen? Many First Aid products contain medicine or chemicals which are good for treating people but not good for kids health when it’s swollen.
Tips to Keep Kids Away From
Keep the first aid kit in the lock box
You can keep the first aid kit in the dressing table and on high rack.
Place the box in your wardrobe, out of kids eyes
2 # Rat Killer:
People use rat killer in homes to get rid of rats. You must know that rat killer cakes can be poisonous and if accidentally, it’s swollen than it can be life-threatening to humans. Therefore, in case you have no choice and you have to use rat killer then make it sure that you keep it out of reach of your toddler or kids.
Tips to Keep Kids Away From
Always put Rat Killer far away from the reach of kids.
Try to put the rat killer inside the rat catcher/trap box.
Always use rat killer in the night to catch the rat.
Place the rat killer cake below the bed or kitchen cabinets and that also too deep.
3 # Kerosene (paraffin) :
Generally, these days’ people don’t use Kerosene in their house. It’s commonly used in cooking, lighting fuel or for fire toys such poi. In case, you do some business related to Kerosene or keep it at home for any household use, then please be sure that kids are kept away from it.
Inhaling or drinking the Kerosene can cause dizziness, headache, and vomiting in kids and its Life threatening.
4 # Floor cleaner or phenyl :
Floor cleaner or phenyl both are used in daily cleaning purpose at homes. Earlier people used phenyl for the floor cleaning purposes but now it has been replaced by Floor Cleaner. But still in the hospital or at some houses people use phenyl, due to its price
These days people preferred floor cleaner over phenyl of different variant for, as they claim to give better cleaning than phenyl. Due to heavy competition in the market, many floor cleaner brand claims that they give better clean than phenyl.
In the home, people used Floor cleaner or phenyl in small quantity, and if it’s swollen by kids it can create irritation in hands and eyes. But if you consume it in large amount its 100% Life-threatening, people can die too. Therefore, please keep this item also out of reach of kids & toddlers.
Tips to Keep Kids Away From
Keep the bottle or container in your balcony or outside area of the house.
Don does not keep the bottle in the kitchen area, as it’s not good for food items also.
Tell your house made that after using it keep the bottle it’s a place, do not leave the bottle on the floor.
You can also the bottle in another container, which can hide it from the kid’s eyes.
5 # Toilet Cleaner :
Used for daily or weekly cleaning of toilets at home. And we usually keep the toilet cleaner bottle inside the washroom area. Due to which its chances of a swallow by kids increase as compare to other Household Poisons items. Toilet cleaner chemical contains acid and it can damage the food pipe and other body parts.
Tips to Keep Kids Away From
Don’t keep Toilet cleaner bottles in open area.
Keep the Toilet cleaner bottle in closed cabinets in the washroom area
Keep it out of reach and touch of kids.
6 # Makeup Products (Nail Polish Remover)
Many makeup products like perfume; nail polish remover and face bleach etc contain harmful chemicals for kids. Like Nail polish remover is the most common use product by ladies at home and it isopropyl alcohol, extremely dangerous for kids health. Always keep alcohols products out of reach of kids.
Tips to Keep Kids Away From
Keep the makeup products or daily cream in the dressing table.
Lock the dressing table or cabinet in which you have kept the items.
Never allow your kids to touch the products in absence of you, like perfume. In case you kids shake the bottle it can break it out in small pieces.
7 # Dangerous Houseplants :
Parents must know that few indoor plants are not good for kids health when kids eat it. Parents should be aware of which plants to keep inside the house and where to keep. Like Philodendron, Euphorbia Milii, Devil’s Ivy or Pothos Ivy, etc are few plants that can be too dangerous for the kid’s health.
For more information read our article on Dangerous Houseplants for Kids (Health Hazards)
8 # Grandparents & Expired medicines :
When kids stay with their grandparents at home, then their chances of exposure to many medicines at home. Toddlers and Kids love to play with medicines and its cover. They love to pull the pills out of the strips in curiosity, but what if the kid eats those medicines. It’s always better to tell the grandparents to keep the medicine in one place and inside the wardrobe.
Also, check the expiring date of the medicine before giving it your kids.
Tips to Keep Kids Away From
Keep them away and out of reach of kid’s hands.
Put all the medicine in one box or in one area.
Never take medicines in front of kids.
Always keep checking the expiring date of the medicine.
Throw the expired medicine from your medical box.
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