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7 Reasons Behind Missed Period or Late Period

Missed Period

What is the Reason Behind My Missed Period? Does it mean that I’m pregnant? Am I Going Through some serious Health Issues? There could be lots of Reasons Behind your Missed Period. Just don’t just jump on the Conclusion. 

If you’ve had unprotected sex with someone or you’re Married Women, then a missed period can be linked to Pregnancy. And, the simplest way to confirm your pregnancy is through undertaking the Pregnancy Test at home.

7 Reasons behind Missed Period or Late Period

1 # Unprotected Sex

Whether you’re married or not, if you had unprotected sex with your Partner/Boyfriend, and your period is late then it’s advisable to take the home pregnancy test to confirm the reason. Because in this case, Missed Period can mean you’re pregnant.

2 # Thyroid problems

If you have a Thyroid Problem then maybe you will have very light, heavy, or irregular periods. you can get your thyroid check with the help of a simple blood test. These days thyroid disease is very common between the female, and there is no need to get panic. In this case, you need to contact some good doctor and discuss your current health status.

3 # Birth Control Pills

Sometimes women who are on Birth Control Pills may go through this problem. As your Body’s Natural Hormones will take time to come back on your normal menstrual cycle. Generally, when you stop the pills it will take about 2 to 4 weeks for your first period.

In some cases, it has been seen that few women miss their period for a few months after they stop taking the pills. Therefore, if you were on birth control pills than talk to some doctor about your current condition. Most probably doctor will give you some medicine that will help you to have your normal cycle back.

4 # Gain Excess Weight in a Short Period of Time

If you earlier have a normal BMI and suddenly you have gain lots of weight, then this can be a reason behind your missed period. Coz the increased fat in your body is leading to a hormonal imbalance in your body which will interfere during your ovulation period.

5 # Excessive Weight Loss in a Short Period of Time

Women who are underweight generally have irregular periods and this can a reason behind your missed period too. So, it is not important that you have to worry about your miss period always, maybe your low body weight. If you have an eating disorder and your eating habits are not healthy, then this will make some side effects on your Menstrual Cycle. Therefore, it’s important for women who are trying for a baby, to have a healthy lifestyle

6 # Stress and Anxiety

For Some Women, stress can cause Irregular Periods or a Missed Period. When your Body Stress Level is increased it can affect your Menstrual Period and will stop your period temporarily, and this condition is known as secondary amenorrhea.

You should try to reduce your stress by following a Healthy Lifestyle, Yoga, Exercise, and Eating Healthy Foods. In case you cannot handle your anxiety, then you can ask your doctor for anti-anxiety medication to lower your stress level.

7 # Weight Loss from Exercising and Dieting

Extreme Dieting can really impact your Body Physically. If you’re on some strict dieting or doing heavy exercise then this might be a reason for your missed period. Women who are involved in heavy-weight training may go through this problem and, it is very common in endurance athletes.

Read Next: All You Need to Know About The First Trimester of Pregnancy.


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