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Why do Students Prefer to Study in the Odd Hours?

Night owl or morning rooster?
Why do students prefer to study in the odd hours?

In my opinion, there are two types of students- first those who are night owls and second the morning roosters. Which one are you (let us know below in the comments)? But why do students prefer to study early morning or late at night? Well, the answer is simple; those few hours are actually the extra hour that one gets after there daily routine which includes going to school, classes, etc.

The night owls prefer to concentrate in the quiet hours of the night sometimes even as long as 3 am while their “rising before the sun counterparts” get up super early—say, 4 a.m.—to get most of the work done before the daily grind kicks in.

This study habit may make many people (especially parents) seem like oddballs and misfits. However, there are quite a few reasons why so many students prefer to work during the odd hours:

A student has studied new topics and to keep their concepts crystal clear they prefer to study it in entirety. Moreover, there are different subjects each subject has different topics; these silent hours enable them to better absorb their lessons as they get mental space to learn so many things

Plus productivity is also ameliorated because there are no distractions at this time. Without the constant barrage of interruptions, they can spend a few concrete hours focusing on the task given and be as productive as possible.

The Peaceful Quiet

With the background noise of various activities (e.g., classroom chatter, traffic on the street) mostly absent at night or in the early hours, many programmers experience a sense of relaxation. This allows them to be more creative and productive—especially when tackling mentally stimulating tasks such as studying.

The solitude and peacefulness, plus knowing that they’ll have a few uninterrupted hours, often take the stress and time pressure associated with a daytime study schedule off their shoulders, allowing them to produce higher quality work.

Not to mention, there’s nothing like indulging in your favorite midnight snacks when you have solved a thorny problem 😉

As the day wear outs the brain gets tired this may sound a bit unfavorable but actually, this helps because it causes the brain to focus only on one job at a time. Thus eliminating the possibility of multitasking.

Often when we sleep after looking at some tough questions, the brain keeps processing about it even when we are asleep and you get the solution in the dream or maybe just after you woke up. When the solutions present themselves in the wee hours, these learners just get up and hit the ground running without missing a beat.

Flexible and Creative Thinking

Many experience an upswing in creativity at night. The prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain associated with the ability to concentrate, gets tired at the end of the day. This seems to clear the way for more flexible and creative thinking for some people.

According to Brant Hasler, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, “with less of that top-down control and ‘cognitive inhibition,’ the brain might be freed up for more divergent thinking, allowing one to make new associations between different concepts more easily.” Combined with the positive mood made possible by a more relaxed environment, learners can do more in less time.

Also, without distractions and having the space to concentrate for several hours, you can “get in the zone.” This helps you better focus on a project and get in the flow without worrying about things happening around you.

The sleep cycle of many students is delayed because they stay late at night. Also, their biological clock gets programmed to help them stay awake though this is not good for their health in the long run.


While there are many reasons why students prefer to work at night, keep in mind that being a night owl doesn’t mean you should skip on sleep. Lack of sleep leads to stress and anxiety and, ultimately, burnout. Getting enough quality sleep is the key to maintaining good physical health and brain functions. For example, it helps you integrate new information, cement memories, think creatively, remove accumulated toxins, regulate your appetite, and prevent premature aging. No matter what your schedule is, make sure to give your brain the rest it needs so you can be the best possible version of yourself.

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