When you’re in your Third Trimester, it’s very common for you to get confused between the False and True Labour. Generally, false labor contractions are known as Braxton Hicks. There is nothing to worry about it, as in one way this Pre-Labour sign, will help you prepare yourself and your body for the labor.
Below are the Few Signs and Symptoms which will differentiate between the False and True Labour at a Glance:-
False Labour (Pre-Labour)
- You will not feel contractions at regular intervals and they are unpredictable. These false labor will contractions will come in intervals of ten minutes
- It can be felt in the lower belly.
- The contractions will stay the same and slowly become weaker.
- Vary in length and you will feel uncomfortable when you’re moving around.
- During Pre-Labor your Cervix remains closed.
- You can distract yourself by getting yourself involved in some work to test whether is pre-labor or real labour.
True Labour
- The first confirmed sign of true labor is your water breaks, it’s like leaking from the amniotic sac as your water breaks.
- When you’re true labour, your Contractions are at regular intervals.
- It will become stronger and longer.
- It can be felt in the belly.
- Pain in lower back or thighs
- Contractions will be the same when you’re resting or moving.
- During true labour Cervix thins and gets open.
10 Tips to cope up with your True Labour/Real labor
- Prepare your mind and body for normal delivery and have a positive attitude.
- Use breathing techniques during your labour, it will help you to relax and get a little bit to relieve from pain.
- You can opt for pain relief procedure epidural anesthesia. It is injected into the epidural space around the spinal cord. For further details, click here to read about the epidural procedure.
- Use the Birthing Ball, for moving the baby down in your pelvis.
- Keep walking in the labour room to moving the baby downwards.
- Kneeling over a chair, bed, or wall, and ask your partner or nurse to gives you a massage or use counter pressure.
- Rock your hips, in this position you can lean forward and rest on something.
- Try Squatting, the most effective way to bring the baby’s head down.
- Take rest and napping between contractions, so that you do not get tired during the final stage of labor.
- Keep yourself hydrated, and listen and follow your doctor’s procedure. Your doctor will explain to you all the 3 stages of labor.
Happy Motherhood!