> Celebrate monthly birthdays of babies till she/he turns one year old (keep the camera ready).
> Do small photo session with baby in second month at home and capture cute moments with mom & dad.
> Take pictures of their tiny hands, legs, noise, etc.
> Start taking pictures every month to month wise of your baby in different outfits, moods, sleeping, playing, laughing and store the same for her Baby Book.
> Capture her first bath picture.
> Picture at the First Time of Bath, Mundan, Annaprashan etc as per your family traditions.
> Festival Pictures: Try to dress them on all festivals till they turn one year old like Janmashtami, Diwali & Christmas etc.
> First time she/he rolls forward and backward.
> First Birthday photo session outside with propos. You can make small propos at home itself.
> In one writing pad start noting month wise development of your baby. What activities they are doing , how they are growing, how they are learning things et. These are very helpful when you make your Baby First Year Book.
> Make small videos in your mobile phone. Always keep your camera ready when you go out of station (Travel pictures).
> Take all family members picture for family Tree like grandmother & grandfather, Sister in law and brother in law, Siblings and Mom and Dad etc.