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Reasons for Food Allergy in Babies and Toddlers

Food Allergy

For the First Six Months, your Baby is totally safe from any kind of Food Allergy. The problem starts afterward when you start feeding your baby with solid foods. Some children are allergic to milk, wheat, soy, and eggs, these are the most common foods during early childhood. It’s really important for parents to follow the right ways of Baby Feeding

According to the Experts, 1 out of 5 children is Allergic to the Milk Bases Foods, that why the doctor advised them to shift to other types of Milk. In the same manner, your baby or toddler can be allergic to any kind of food. That’s why its advice to avoid foods that have an allergic base until your child turns 1 year old. 

Children who are allergic to milk or soy intolerance may have symptoms like colic, blood in your child’s stool, and poor overall growth. Don’t be in a hurry to introduce any kind of food, always follow the Solid Baby Feeding Guide to avoid these circumstances 

Try to introduce the below list of foods one by one and slowly in your Baby’s Diet. Once your child digestive system (immunity) is build and ready to adopt these foods, you should move to other foods. 

Foods That Can Cause Food Allergies in Babies and Toddlers

You cannot identify which food can cause an allergy, but we would recommend parents always look for signs of food allergy after serving them for the first 2 or 3 days. Below are the few lists of foods that cause Food Allergies:-

  • Cow milk
  • Eggs
  • Fish (like as tuna, salmon, cod)
  • Nuts from trees (like walnuts, pistachios, pecans, cashews)
  • Peanuts
  • Soy
  • Wheat

Key Points to Prevent Food Allergy 

  • Babies who have a bad immune reaction to a certain type of foods are more prone to develop Food Allergy in their early days.
  • Breastfeeding your baby for 4-6 months is the best way to prevent any kind of a milk allergy in babies and toddlers.
  • Before introducing whole milk, you should consult your child’s doctor.
  • Introduce new foods one at a time and always maintain the gap for 3 or 4 days between two foods.
  • Infants who are at high risk of allergies, peanuts should be introduced between 4-6 months.
  • Nuts and fish should be introduced between 6 and 9 months.
  • Wait to introduce honey till your baby is one year old, which can cause a potentially serious disease called infant botulism (some doctors advise to wait till 2 years)

Symptoms of A Food Allergy

If you find any kind of below symptoms in your child, immediately stop feeding him that particular food and contact your child pediatrician

  • Hives – red spots that look like mosquito bites
  • Cool, moist, or pale blue skin
  • Itchy skin rashes (eczema, also called atopic dermatitis)
  • Swelling
  • Breathing problems
  • Sneezing and Wheezing
  • Throat tightness
  • Nausea and Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Circulation symptoms 
  • Seizure 
  • Light-headedness
  • Loss of consciousness

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