First-Trimester of Pregnancy is considered to be the most critical phase in the whole pregnancy period. There are many points on which Pregnant ladies need to concentrate and follow it. The first and most important thing, change your current living lifestyle now. You need, to make lots of changes in your daily routine. You cannot stress your body and work for a longer period without taking any rest. It does not matter whether you’re a working or stay-at-home mommy. Start Avoiding things like standing for a longer period, carrying or lifting heavy objects, drinking, or smoking, these are the very few things that you should stop immediately.
The reason behind taking precautions during the first trimester is mainly to avoid miscarriage or any complications during the First-Three Months. Therefore, experts and doctors advise us to take strict precautions and follow a Healthy Lifestyle.
Many Pregnant Ladies do not know that early weeks mark the highest risk of miscarriage. A woman can have a miscarriage in the first week or two without realizing she’s pregnant. And the risk maintains till the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.
We would advise you to be aware and take cautious about some bad signs beforehand to avoid any mishappening. Also, before going to the Second and Third trimesters of Pregnancy, read below about its dos and don’ts to be more careful.
First Trimester of Pregnancy
Second Trimester of Pregnancy
Third Trimester of Pregnancy
Plus, to have a comfortable and safe First Trimester, you should buy some Pregnancy-related products, that are designed only for pregnant women like Pregnancy Belts, Books related to Pregnancy, Waistband extenders, Anti-Nausea, etc. These days, lots of doctors advise you to use pregnancy products, for your and your baby’s safety.
Do’s and Don’t for the First Trimester of Pregnant Women
Carrying Single and Multiple (Twin) Babies
Do’s of First Trimester
- Get a Flu Shot
- Do Low-Intensity Exercise
- Control your weight to Avoid Gestational Diabetes
- Choosing the Right Hospital
- Pick the right gynecologist
- Prepare yourself for Labor Pain
- Take Folic Acid Before Pregnancy
- Take Your Prenatal Vitamins on time
- Increase Your Water Intake
- Ask for your Anti-Nausea Medication from Doctor
- Take Full Rest, No Stress at All
- Keep track of the Baby’s Growth and Development
Do Some Fun Things like
- Take your Belly Photos
- Buy Comfortable Maternity clothes
- Start writing a diary about your pregnancy experience
- Start making a shopping list
- Have a small party to announce your pregnancy
Do's for Pregnant Women with Twins Babies
- Take proper nutrition and hydration, as it’s very important in case of Twins Pregnancy
- Eat a well-balanced diet, including foods fully packed with protein, carbs, veggies, and fruits.
Take a daily Vitamin designed for Twins and pregnant women - Restrict your calories and gain the right amount of weight gain. For Twins babies, the recommended weight gain should vary between 17 to 25 kg.
- You need to go for more frequent checkups as compared to other mothers, to track the twins’ health, growth, and development.
Don’ts of First Trimester
- Don’t take Extra Medications
- What Food You Should Avoid
- Do less Exercise
- Don’t Forget to Monitor your blood glucose levels
- Don’t Become a Diabetic Mom
- Quit Smoking and Alcohol
- Avoid Travelling in the First Trimester
- Be Stress-Free
- No Dieting
- Avoid Hot Tubs & Saunas
- Don’t Eat for Two
- Get your Sugar checked and in control
- Never Forget your Prenatal Appointments
Don’ts for Pregnant Women with Twins Babies
- Twin mothers are at higher risk of developing high blood pressure, therefore don’t take lots of tension or scream at other people around you.
- If you don’t take a balanced diet or maintain weight and sugar levels, you’re at higher risk of having Gestational Diabetes as compared to other mothers
- Think Positive, otherwise, it has been seen that many twins pregnant ladies are too scared of Vaginal Delivery, and opt for C-Section. Your positive attitude and thinking will help you to reach the target.
- Vaginal Delivery may not be possible until your FirstBaby’sy Head is in Down Position.